I am a PASSIVE, slim (51 kg) TRANS girl who loves giving a man pleasure.
My body is small - but I was given a big surprise as a gift from nature. :)
I have a real talent for deepthroat blowjob and a small anal-pussy ready to be fucked... :)
❤️ ORAL I can make you a DEEEEEP blowjob... You can cum inside my mouth, if you want.
❤️ ORAL You can touch or lick my surprise (19 cm)
❤️ RIMMING I will lick your ass with pleasure.
❤️ RIMMING You can finger and lick my small ass
❤️ ANAL Fuck my tight little ass
-- I can't guarantee I would fuck you. We can try.
❤️ KISSING I like kissing, cuddling, caressing
The only additional fee is MY ORGASM. Then the meeting is 500 zł (130 euro).
I have plenty of VIDEOS to offer as well. For example:
- 10 minute video when I offered a sushi delivery guy an unusual form of a tip... :) (I gave him a head - and he cummed all over my face in the end!)
- 16 minute video when I forgot my wallet to pay for the taxi ride.... So I paid in a different way. :)
- 15 minute videos when I organised gangbangs, me and 6 guys!
- and many many other...
SEX CAM is also possible as long as you have BLIK payment method.
➡️ I live alone in my apartment in the very CENTER OF WARSAW.
near Metro station Świętokrzyska - it is near Palace of Culture and Science, near Central Railway Station.
Sometimes I travel around Poland. Yet I don't have a concrete travel schedule.
Szczuplutka (51 kg), młoda, ULEGŁA (pasywna) suczka, choć z niemałą "łechtaczką"
wtorek wieczorem - środa - czwartek - piątek rano
11 - 14 marca
❤ ORAL z przyjemnością zrobię Ci dobrego, GŁĘBOKIEGO loda, z połykiem
DEEPTHROAT, FACEFUCKING - chętnie podławię się Twoim kutasem
Jestem mistrzynią w tym, nieskromnie przyznam...
("O kurw*, jeszcze żadna laska mi tak zajebiście dobrze nie obciągała jak Ty...!" - usłyszałam wielokrotnie :)
Zresztą, zobacz filmik tutaj na końcu mojej galerii zdjęć.
♦️ ORAL jeśli chcesz, możesz zająć się delikatnie moją nieco większą "łechtaczką" również - mam niemałą niespodziankę, co widać na wstawionym tutaj filmiku. Możesz ją wziąć do ręki - popieścić językiem - to już od Ciebie zależy.
[Jeśli chcesz rzeczywiście mi sprawić przyjemność tym, to zdecydowanie wolę nie jak się ją głęboko obciąga, tylko gdy się delikatnie podlizuje samą końcówkę (właśnie tak jak "łechtaczkę"). Możesz jednocześnie palcować mi analną "cipkę", to wzmocni doznania. Orgazm po takim właśnie lizaniu mam niesamowicie intensywny! A od samego "obciagania jak facetowi" orgazmu nie dostanę.]
❤ RIMM-MINETKA uwielbiam, gdy mi się palcuje i liże moją analną "cipkę"!!!
❤ RIMM wyliżę Ci tyłek
❤ ANAL TY-MNIE uwielbiam być ruchana! Mam małą, ciasną dziurkę...
♦️ ANAL JA-CIEBIE nie mam natury dominującej, nie mogę więc tego zapewnić. Wyjątki zdarzają się, ale z reguły spontanicznie podczas spotkania.
❤ Lubię się całować. :) Lubię pieszczoty, pocałunki, dotyk................
Moje drobne ciało jest bardzo wrażliwe na takie subtelniejsze doznania.
❤ Ale jeśli lubisz ostrzej (dawać klapsy, policzkowanie, podduszanie)........ ja też........
Jedyna dopłata to:
◽ MÓJ ORGAZM - wtedy za spotkanie 500 zł
⛔ NIE sfeminizuję Cię
⛔ NIE ubieraj damskiej bielizny, garderoby
⛔ NIE panowie 60+
⛔ NIE spotykam się z parami, kobietami, trans
♂️♀️ Spotykam się w zasadzie wyłącznie z panami hetero - wielu z Was spotkanie z trans chodzi po głowie. Lubię więc przełamywać pierwsze lody. :-)
Jestem pewna (z doświadczenia), że będziesz miło zaskoczony. Moja kobieca drobna figura oraz umiejętności zapadną Ci w pamięć...
◽Facetów HETERO podnieca Kobiecość:
Kobiety i Kobiety z "niespodzianką"
◽ Facetów BI podnieca Kobiecość i Męskość:
Kobiety, Kobiety z "niespodzianką" i Mężczyźni
--- Sam wybierz, którym Facetem jesteś :)
✅ Możliwy pokaz na KAMERCE Whatsapp
(150 zł)
✅ Możliwy sexting
(100 zł)
✅ Możliwość zakupu moich moich amatorskich FILMIKÓW
oral, anal, gangbang 20 min zabawy, zbiór filmików z moimi wytryskami, filmik jak proponuję loda autentycznemu dostawcy sushi lub dłuuugi 16 minutowy filmik, jak obciągam głęboko i rucham się z autentycznym taksówkarzem w plenerze ;-))
- Płatność BLIKiem (150 zł za wszystkie, jest ich naprawdę sporo)
- lub pod linkiem:
◽ WARSZAWA na stałe.
Mieszkam w centrum tuż przy stacji metra Świętokrzyska.
◽ Podróżuję (czasami) po Polsce.
Nie mam jednak grafików wyjazdów - więc nie wiem, kiedy będę w Twoim mieście.
(Orientacyjnie również nie wiem :)
Jeśli chcesz, żebym z wyprzedzeniem wysłała Ci indywidualnie sms lub na Whatsapp powiadomienie, że będę w Twojej okolicy, daj znać. Zapiszę sobie Twój nr.
Привіт, любий.
I am a PASSIVE, slim (51 kg) TRANS girl who loves giving a man pleasure.
My body is small - but I was given a big surprise as a gift from nature. :)
I have a real talent for deepthroat blowjob and a small anal-pussy ready to be fucked... :)
❤️ ORAL I can make you a DEEEEEP blowjob... You can cum inside my mouth, if you want.
❤️ ORAL You can touch or lick my surprise (19 cm)
❤️ RIMMING I will lick your ass with pleasure.
❤️ RIMMING You can finger and lick my small ass
❤️ ANAL Fuck my tight little ass
-- I can't guarantee I would fuck you. We can try.
❤️ KISSING I like kissing, cuddling, caressing
The only additional fee is MY ORGASM. Then the meeting is 500 zł (120 euro).
I have plenty of VIDEOS to offer as well. For example:
- 10 minute video when I offered a sushi delivery guy an unusual form of a tip... :) (I gave him a head - and he cummed all over my face in the end!)
- 16 minute video when I forgot my wallet to pay for the taxi ride.... So I paid in a different way. :)
- 15 minute videos when I organised gangbangs, me and 6 guys!
- and many many other...
SEX CAM is also possible as long as you have BLIK payment method.
➡️ I live alone in my apartment in the very CENTER OF WARSAW.
near Metro station Świętokrzyska - it is near Palace of Culture and Science, near Central Railway Station.
Sometimes I travel around Poland. Yet I don't have a concrete travel schedule.
Hallo, Schatz!
I am a PASSIVE, slim (51 kg) TRANS girl who loves giving a man pleasure.
My body is small - but I was given a big surprise as a gift from nature. :)
I have a real talent for deepthroat blowjob and a small anal-pussy ready to be fucked... :)
❤️ ORAL I can make you a DEEEEEP blowjob... You can cum inside my mouth, if you want.
❤️ ORAL You can touch or lick my surprise (19 cm)
❤️ RIMMING I will lick your ass with pleasure.
❤️ RIMMING You can finger and lick my small ass
❤️ ANAL Fuck my tight little ass
-- I can't guarantee I would fuck you. We can try.
❤️ KISSING I like kissing, cuddling, caressing
The only additional fee is MY ORGASM. Then the meeting is 500 zł (130 euro).
I have plenty of VIDEOS to offer as well. For example:
- 10 minute video when I offered a sushi delivery guy an unusual form of a tip... :) (I gave him a head - and he cummed all over my face in the end!)
- 16 minute video when I forgot my wallet to pay for the taxi ride.... So I paid in a different way. :)
- 15 minute videos when I organised gangbangs, me and 6 guys!
- and many many other...
SEX CAM is also possible as long as you have BLIK payment method.
➡️ I live alone in my apartment in the very CENTER OF WARSAW.
near Metro station Świętokrzyska - it is near Palace of Culture and Science, near Central Railway Station.
Sometimes I travel around Poland. Yet I don't have a concrete travel schedule.
I am a PASSIVE, slim (51 kg) TRANS girl who loves giving a man pleasure.
My body is small - but I was given a big surprise as a gift from nature. :)
I have a real talent for deepthroat blowjob and a small anal-pussy ready to be fucked... :)
❤️ ORAL I can make you a DEEEEEP blowjob... You can cum inside my mouth, if you want.
❤️ ORAL You can touch or lick my surprise (19 cm)
❤️ RIMMING I will lick your ass with pleasure.
❤️ RIMMING You can finger and lick my small ass
❤️ ANAL Fuck my tight little ass
-- I can't guarantee I would fuck you. We can try.
❤️ KISSING I like kissing, cuddling, caressing
The only additional fee is MY ORGASM. Then the meeting is 500 zł (130 euro).
I have plenty of VIDEOS to offer as well. For example:
- 10 minute video when I offered a sushi delivery guy an unusual form of a tip... :) (I gave him a head - and he cummed all over my face in the end!)
- 16 minute video when I forgot my wallet to pay for the taxi ride.... So I paid in a different way. :)
- 15 minute videos when I organised gangbangs, me and 6 guys!
- and many many other...
SEX CAM is also possible as long as you have BLIK payment method.
➡️ I live alone in my apartment in the very CENTER OF WARSAW.
near Metro station Świętokrzyska - it is near Palace of Culture and Science, near Central Railway Station.
Sometimes I travel around Poland. Yet I don't have a concrete travel schedule.
Привет, дорогой.
I am a PASSIVE, slim (51 kg) TRANS girl who loves giving a man pleasure.
My body is small - but I was given a big surprise as a gift from nature. :)
I have a real talent for deepthroat blowjob and a small anal-pussy ready to be fucked... :)
❤️ ORAL I can make you a DEEEEEP blowjob... You can cum inside my mouth, if you want.
❤️ ORAL You can touch or lick my surprise (19 cm)
❤️ RIMMING I will lick your ass with pleasure.
❤️ RIMMING You can finger and lick my small ass
❤️ ANAL Fuck my tight little ass
-- I can't guarantee I would fuck you. We can try.
❤️ KISSING I like kissing, cuddling, caressing
The only additional fee is MY ORGASM. Then the meeting is 500 zł (130 euro).
I have plenty of VIDEOS to offer as well. For example:
- 10 minute video when I offered a sushi delivery guy an unusual form of a tip... :) (I gave him a head - and he cummed all over my face in the end!)
- 16 minute video when I forgot my wallet to pay for the taxi ride.... So I paid in a different way. :)
- 15 minute videos when I organised gangbangs, me and 6 guys!
- and many many other...
SEX CAM is also possible as long as you have BLIK payment method.
➡️ I live alone in my apartment in the very CENTER OF WARSAW.
near Metro station Świętokrzyska - it is near Palace of Culture and Science, near Central Railway Station.
Sometimes I travel around Poland. Yet I don't have a concrete travel schedule.
¡Hola cariño!
I am a PASSIVE, slim (51 kg) TRANS girl who loves giving a man pleasure.
My body is small - but I was given a big surprise as a gift from nature. :)
I have a real talent for deepthroat blowjob and a small anal-pussy ready to be fucked... :)
❤️ ORAL I can make you a DEEEEEP blowjob... You can cum inside my mouth, if you want.
❤️ ORAL You can touch or lick my surprise (19 cm)
❤️ RIMMING I will lick your ass with pleasure.
❤️ RIMMING You can finger and lick my small ass
❤️ ANAL Fuck my tight little ass
-- I can't guarantee I would fuck you. We can try.
❤️ KISSING I like kissing, cuddling, caressing
The only additional fee is MY ORGASM. Then the meeting is 500 zł (130 euro).
I have plenty of VIDEOS to offer as well. For example:
- 10 minute video when I offered a sushi delivery guy an unusual form of a tip... :) (I gave him a head - and he cummed all over my face in the end!)
- 16 minute video when I forgot my wallet to pay for the taxi ride.... So I paid in a different way. :)
- 15 minute videos when I organised gangbangs, me and 6 guys!
- and many many other...
SEX CAM is also possible as long as you have BLIK payment method.
➡️ I live alone in my apartment in the very CENTER OF WARSAW.
near Metro station Świętokrzyska - it is near Palace of Culture and Science, near Central Railway Station.
Sometimes I travel around Poland. Yet I don't have a concrete travel schedule.
Ciao tesoro!
I am a PASSIVE, slim (51 kg) TRANS girl who loves giving a man pleasure.
My body is small - but I was given a big surprise as a gift from nature. :)
I have a real talent for deepthroat blowjob and a small anal-pussy ready to be fucked... :)
❤️ ORAL I can make you a DEEEEEP blowjob... You can cum inside my mouth, if you want.
❤️ ORAL You can touch or lick my surprise (19 cm)
❤️ RIMMING I will lick your ass with pleasure.
❤️ RIMMING You can finger and lick my small ass
❤️ ANAL Fuck my tight little ass
-- I can't guarantee I would fuck you. We can try.
❤️ KISSING I like kissing, cuddling, caressing
The only additional fee is MY ORGASM. Then the meeting is 500 zł (130 euro).
I have plenty of VIDEOS to offer as well. For example:
- 10 minute video when I offered a sushi delivery guy an unusual form of a tip... :) (I gave him a head - and he cummed all over my face in the end!)
- 16 minute video when I forgot my wallet to pay for the taxi ride.... So I paid in a different way. :)
- 15 minute videos when I organised gangbangs, me and 6 guys!
- and many many other...
SEX CAM is also possible as long as you have BLIK payment method.
➡️ I live alone in my apartment in the very CENTER OF WARSAW.
near Metro station Świętokrzyska - it is near Palace of Culture and Science, near Central Railway Station.
Sometimes I travel around Poland. Yet I don't have a concrete travel schedule.
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